Brighton & Hove City Council


Policy & Resources Committee


4.00pm2 December 2021


Hove Town Hall - Council Chamber





Present:          Councillor Mac Cafferty (Chair) Druitt (Joint Deputy Chair), Gibson (Joint Deputy Chair), Allcock (Joint Opposition Spokesperson), Appich (Joint Opposition Spokesperson), Bell (Group Spokesperson), Clare, Evans, Miller and Yates.


Also present: Error! No document variable supplied., Standing Invitee








73.1         Procedural Business


(1)          Declarations of Substitutes


74          There were no declarations of substitutes.


(2)          Declarations of Interest


75          There were no declarations of interests in matters listed on the agenda.


(3)          Exclusion of Press and Public


76          The Committee considered whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of any of the items listed on the agenda.


77          RESOLVED: That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the items contained in part two of the agenda.




75             Minutes


68          The minutes of (a) the last meeting held on the 7th October 2021, (b) the special meetings held on (b) the 13th  and (c) the 19th October 2021 were agreed as correct record of the proceedings.




75             Chair's Communications


75.1         The Chair gave the following communications:


76 Want to start by acknowledging the evolving situation we are in re the Covid pandemic

77 I share many of your concerns about what the Omicron variant means, and the council’s public health team is working hard to anticipate what we need to do to stay safe- scenario planning is underway with the NHS while clear messages are being sent out to protect residents.

78 To stay protected against this and the Delta variant, it has never been more important to get your vaccine and booster, ensure good ventilation when meeting people, wear a mask indoors and even when it’s crowded outdoors. Get tested if you have symptoms – however mild- as we all know even those vaccinated can catch Covid and show no symptoms.

79 This is an important message for all of us and our residents, and I have also asked public health officials to prepare a councillor briefing so that you are all up to date, building on the regular briefings and virtual meetings you know I have done with members throughout this pandemic.

80 Of course there is still much we are waiting on scientists to understand about Omicron but it’s more important than ever we stay safe and take care of one another

81 At this testing time, the resilience of our city remains the top priority. This week we’ve had the construction of more new council homes in Portslade. Each property includes solar panels and ground source heat pumps to reduce carbon emissions and fuel bills, and there’s space for growing food.

82 This week I also met with the new Chief Executive of Brighton & Hove Bus Company, to discuss how we work together to ensure better services are provided to all areas and to push for more reduced and free travel fares. We need to protect our bus drivers- and indeed all frontline transport workers- from harassment when asking passengers to wear masks – they are of course only doing their job to keep all of us safe.

83 I remain dedicated to our local economy and its recovery– I celebrated our incredible and resilient small businesses with the Small Business Saturday campaign roadshow which came to our city to shine a spotlight on our entrepreneurs and local businesses. Local business can sign up for free support and profile from Small Business Saturday- which is this Saturday- and to access training and advice Get out and support your local small business.

84 As our city continues to face down more than ten years of austerity, the outcomes of a crushing pandemic and the long shadow of Brexit, small business are incredibly important to our local economy, keeping jobs and money circulating in the local area. Following the joint campaign led by the Greens and Chamber of Commerce and others on the living wage, I’m pleased that over 750 businesses now also signed up to pay the living wage, our local businesses are at the centre of our economic recovery and future innovation.

85 No denying our businesses like all other sectors face challenges. The last 10 years has been described by the Children’s Society as the ABC decade – Austerity, Brexit and Coronavirus – with an impact on our economy and public services. This is well highlighted by the initial budget report in the papers today.

86 The report makes clear that many other councils (nine to date) that have stopped short of Section 114 notices but have been forced to apply to government for ‘capitalisation directions’ to enable them to use capital receipts or borrowing to fund annual revenue costs in the short term, and we’ve seen what’s happened in Croydon and in Slough, with them going bankrupt

87 Brighton & Hove is not there. We’ve stayed focused on keeping the city finances on a secure footing. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t now challenges. Omicron shows us that the impact of Covid-19 is far from over. Yet the funding from government to meet the cost of the pandemic is drying up. Add to this the soaring and backlogged demand for adult social care, children’s services, 10 years of budget cuts and increasing costs due to inflation, price hikes and supply chain issues, it’s clear government is leaving councils up and down the country facing difficult decisions to balance the books.

88As we consider the items on the agenda today also wanted to raise am very aware weather reports tell us the temperature will drop to below 0 this evening, sure none of us want to be here longer than we need to be.




76.1         Call Over


·                         The following items on the agenda were reserved for discussion:


Item 64     Progress Update Against Corporate Performance Indicators Q2 2021/22

Item 65     Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2021/22 – Mid-Year Review

Item 66     Targeted Budget Management (TBM) 2021/22: Month 7 (October)

Item 67     Draft General Fund Budget and Resources Update 2022/23

Item 68     Council Tax Reduction Review 2022-23

Item 70     Kingsway to the Sea – West Hove Improvement Plan

Item 72     Community Wealth Building Programme Update

Item 73     Amendments to the Scheme of Officer Delegations – October 2021

Item 74     Review of the Council’s Constitution

Item 78     Moulsecoomb Neighbourhood Hub & Housing Schemes: Update Report

Item 79     Patcham Place Lodge


·                         The following items on the agenda were agreed without discussion:


Item 69     Software Licence Renewals

Item 71     i360 Loan Restructure

Item 75     Timetable of Meetings for 2022/23

Item 76     Review of Market Supplement to be paid to Social Workers and Practice Managers in Children’s Services

Item 77     Brighton Marina to River Adur Coastal Management Scheme – Project Update

Item 81     Moulsecoomb Neighbourhood Hub & Housing Schemes: Update Report – Exempt Category 3

Item 82     Patcham Place Lodge – Exempt Category 3

Item 83     Part 2 Minutes – Exempt Categories 3, 4 and 5




77             Public Involvement


77.1         The Chair noted that there were no public items for the meeting.




(1)            Member Involvement


78          The Chair noted that Councillor Mears was unable to attend the meeting and invited Councillor Miller to put the question on her behalf.


79          Councillor Miller thanked the Chair and asked the question detailed in the agenda.


80          The Chair replied, I'm afraid I'm not going to be in a position to give a full response today and suggest is that the question is noted, and a full response is sent to Councillor Mears.


81          Councillor Miller thanked the Chair and stated that he did have a supplementary question, the 2018 report noted that there were likely to be additional set up and mobilisation costs not accounted for in the estimates set out in table 3, including:

78.1   Estate development budget delivery

78.2   Concessionary Gardening Scheme

78.3   Concessionary Decoration Scheme


Please can the Chair outline what the final costs have been for each of these key elements for:

(1)   The twelve months prior to insourcing took effect

(2)   The twelve months after insourcing took effect


82          The Chair noted the question and offered to provide a full written response to Councillor Mears.




79             Progress update against Corporate Key Performance Indicators Q2 2021/22


a.               The Head of Performance, Improvement & Programmes introduced the report which detailed the key performance indicators (KPIs) for the period 1 April 2021 to 30 September 2021.


b.            The Committee welcomed the report and thanked officers for their work on bringing the information to the committee. The Committee noted that council had faced key challenges with the pandemic and budget restrictions and that areas of performance had therefore been affected. However, it was felt that there were areas where improvement was required, and it was hoped that these would be addressed in the end of year report to the committee so that progress could be noted. It was suggested that a KPI on the level of PDP’s and 1:1 meetings for staff should also be included in the list of Corporate KPIs.


c.            The Head of Performance, Improvement & Programmes noted that the inclusion of additional KPIs could be raised with the KPI Members Working Group and if agreed then included for future reports.


d.            The Chief Executive noted that the quality of the report was very good and reminded the committee of the journey the organisation had been on to bring the information to Members. He stated that the Executive Leadership Team used the information to review performance on a regular basis and whilst the challenges for some services had been significant, work was underway to address areas that were under performing could be supported and begin to improve.


e.            Dr Biswas-Sasidharan welcomed the report and asked if it would be possible to measure Trans information separately in the future.


f.             The Head of Performance, Improvement & Programmes stated that she was not sure if sufficient information was available to separate it out but would look at that for future reports.


g.            Councillor Appich welcomed the report and queried whether the information from residents was as up to date as it could be?


h.            The Chair noted that the City Tracker had been delayed due to the pandemic and the last one had been in 2018 but he hoped that it could be put back on a bi-annual tie frame. He then put the recommendations to the vote which were carried unanimously.


i.             RESOLVED: That the progress made in relation to Corporate KPIs in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly the corrective measures outlined for ‘red’ and ‘amber’ indicators, and that they provide support and challenge to lead officers to bring performance back on track be noted.




80             Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2021/22 - Mid-Year Review


7                The Head of Finance introduced the report which detailed the Treasury Management Statement and annual investment strategy. He noted that the council had borrowed £25 for the Housing Revenue Account and since mid-year had borrowed a further £25m. It was anticipated that there would be additional borrowing requirements to meet this year’s objectives and the capital investment programme would be kept under review.


8                The Committee welcomed the report and noted that the council was in a good position and thanked officers for their diligence in investments on behalf of the council. The committee also asked that where lending to other authorities took place, that checks were made to ensure the funding was being used for ethical investments etc.


9                The Chair noted the comments and put the recommendations to the vote which were agreed.


10             RESOLVED:


81 .1That the key actions taken during the first half of 2021/22 to meet the TMSS and the investment strategy as set out in this report be noted;


81 .2 That the reported compliance with the AIS for the period under review be noted; and


81 .3 That it be noted that the approved maximum indicator for investment risk of 0.05% has been adhered to and the authorised borrowing limit and operational boundary have not been exceeded.


11             The Chair then took a short adjournment at 5.13pm before reconvening the meeting at 5.20pm.




81.1         Targeted Budget Management (TBM) 2021/22: Month 7 (October)


82          The Acting Chief Finance Officer introduced the report which outlined the forecast risk for 2021/22 at month 7 as part of the targeted budget monitoring report. He noted that the position had improved since the last report and that the continued slippage for the capital programme was likely to result in reprofiling of projects for 2022/23. He also noted that the final report would be brought to committee in February ahead of the Budget Council meeting that month.


83          The Committee welcomed the report and Members asked for clarification on the projected overspend for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), and what actions were being taken to address the situation in Adult Social Care. It was also noted that there were shortfalls in parking fees and in relation to the homeless budget. Members also noted that the council was required to provide funding for concessionary bus fares and queried whether there were other areas that future reports could provide information on.


84          The Acting Chief Finance Officer stated that the HRA budget was in an unusual position with an overspend on repairs and maintenance, but it was anticipated that a balanced budget would be put forward ahead of the budget setting process. He was aware of difficulties in the Adult Social Care budget and the shortfall in savings targets was being factored in for 2022/23. He was also happy to look at other areas which could be reported on similar to the concessionary bus fares such as council tax claimants.


85          The Executive Director for Health & Adult Social Care noted that the Government had released a White Paper on social care and officers were looking at how savings could be achieved.


86          The Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture noted that there had been a significant uplift to the income targets for parking charges and permits and that there had been an improvement in the forecast with the take up of permits.


87          The Chair noted the comments and put the recommendations to the vote which were agreed.


88          RESOLVED:


82.1   That the forecast risk position for the General Fund, which indicates a potential forecast overspend risk of £3.396m be noted.


This is net of an underspend of £1.196m on the council’s share of the NHS managed Section 75 services;


82.2   That the forecast for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), which is currently an overspend of £1.276m be noted;


82.3   That the forecast risk position for the Dedicated Schools Grant which is an overspend of £0.430m be noted; and


82.4   That the forecast outturn position on the capital programme which is a forecast underspend of £5.084m be noted and the variations and slippage in Appendix 6 and new schemes as set out in Appendix 7 to the report be approved.




83             Draft General Fund Budget and Resources update 2022/23


83.1         The Acting Chief Finance Officer introduced the report which provided an update on the resource position for 2022/23 to 2025/26 and key impacts of the Chancellor’s 3-year Spending Review 2021. He stated that for 2022/23 there would be a reliance on the economic recovery from the pandemic. He noted that in July there had been an estimated budget gap of £18m and this remained the current position, with savings projected to achieve £8.5m it left a gap of £9.5m. This would be a significant challenge for the authority and officers were working to look at additional options for the current year and potentially for a 4-year period in order to address the matter.


83.2         Dr Sasidharan asked how the budget process would be explained to the public and how the engagement would be taken forward.


83.3         The Communications Manager informed the committee that it was intended to have information on the council’s website with an animation to explain the process and to make use of social media to engage with interested groups.


83.4         The Committee welcomed the report and asked various questions on aspects of the pressures and savings that were listed. It was noted that there could be potential options to increase income from those services that were highly regarded and provided services to other organisations. The overall budget position was noted, and the gravity acknowledged, and it was agreed that all Members would need to work collaboratively in order to ensure that corporate priorities could be met and the budget for 2022/23 agreed.


83.5          The Chair noted that Brighton & Hove was not the only authority in this situation and that residents tended to think that their council tax paid for all the services, whereas it only equated to 18.7% of the revenue expenditure. He also noted that there was an error in the report which referred to the removal of the Disability officer post, which was incorrect, and he confirmed that the post was currently out to advert with a view to being appointed to. He then put the recommendations to the vote which were agreed.


83.6         RESOLVED:


84       That the updated forecasts and latest resource estimates set out in the report be noted,


85       That the Draft Budget Strategies and first draft savings at Appendix 1 be noted;


86       That the draft Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs) at Appendix 2 and notes that final EIAs will be provided to February Policy & Resources Committee and Budget Council be noted;


87       That the predicted budget gaps set out in paragraph 4.22 totalling £27.655m over the 4-year period, including £18.005m in 2022/23 be noted;


88       That it be agreed to adopt a 4-Year planning period for its Medium-Term Financial Strategy; and


89       That it be noted that updated financial data and information from central government regarding the Local Government Financial Settlement (LGFS) may impact further on the development of budget proposals for 2022/23.


83.7         The Chair then called an adjournment at 6.39pm before reconvening the meeting at 6.55pm.




84.1         Council Tax Reduction Review 2022-23


        The Acting Chief Finance Officer introduced the report which detailed the review of its working age Council Tax Reduction Scheme. He noted that it was proposed to make fundamental changes to the scheme and to adopt a revised scheme to come into effect from the 1 April 2022. He also noted that officers had received positive feedback from various groups that had been consulted.


        The Committee welcomed the report and the proposed changes to the Scheme and expressed their thanks to the officers involved for their hard work. Members of the committee also queried whether other income from various sources such as second homes and pensions schemes came into consideration when assessing eligibility for the scheme.


        The Acting Chief Finance Officer stated that he would need to check on whether other sources of income were taken into account and would provide a written response to the committee Members.


        The Chair noted the comments and put the recommendations to the vote which were carried unanimously.




                That the introduction of a revised Council Tax Reduction Scheme based on earnings brackets for working age Universal Credit claimants be agreed;


                That Council Tax Reduction claimants who are not recipients of Universal Credit should remain on the existing Council Tax Reduction scheme; and


                That the fund for Discretionary Council Tax Reduction be set to £200,000 in 2022/23.




        Software Licence Renewals


        RESOLVED: That delegated authority be granted to the Executive Director of Finance & Resources to take all necessary steps to:


(i)    Use the KCS Professional Services National Framework for the supply and delivery of Software Products & Associated Services 2 to procure a Licence Solution Partner (LSP) for the Council and its Orbis partners, East Sussex County Council and Surrey County Council


(ii)   Award a contract to the successful Licence Solution Partner (LSP) to provide the Council with three Microsoft Enterprise Licence Agreements for a term of 3 years with an estimated total value of £3,306,000.00.




        Kingsway to the Sea - West Hove Improvement Plan


        The Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture introduced the report, which set out proposals for the Kingsway to the Sea project and the next steps in developing the project following a successful application for £9.5m to the government’s Levelling Up Fund.


        The Committee welcomed the report and thanked the officers for the work to date on the project. It was noted that a figure of 20% for contingencies had been estimated but that this could be reduced once greater clarity on the overall costs emerged as the project progressed. It was also agreed that as part of the project directly impacted on young people, there would be an engagement process with the Youth Council.


        The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote which were agreed.




             That the council’s recent success in securing £9.5 million from the government’s LUF to regenerate a linear park and outdoor sports facilities between the King Alfred Leisure Centre and Hove Lagoon be noted;


             That it be agreed that the Kingsway to the Sea project will be progressed in line with the successful LUF bid and in consultation with community stakeholders and ward councillors;


             That a total budget of £10.647 million for the Kingsway to the Sea project, including £1.147 million (10.4%) of funding from council resources, to be added to the Capital Investment programme be agreed;


                   That commencement of this project, with the appointment of project management to accelerate the programme and design towards the deadline of 31st March 2024 for completion be agreed; and


                   That it be agreed that the design development of Kingsway to the Sea project requires a progress update report to brought back to Policy & Resources Committee before a planning application is made in 2022.




        i360 Loan Restructure




             That the process and timetable for officers to come back to committee with a proposed final restructure of the loan to the i360 be noted; and


             That it be agreed that the December 2021 repayment should be taken upon completion of the restructure and should be for the sum that would be payable had the restructure completed before 31st December 2021.




        Community Wealth Building Programme Update


        The Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture introduced the report, which provided an update on the programme of work the Community Wealth Building Member Working Group would be undertaking and the timetable for a report to committee.


        Councillor Evans proposed an amendment on behalf of the Labour Group which was formally seconded by Councillor Yates. She stated that the intention was to get clarity on the funding that had been set aside and when it could be spent.


        Councillor Gibson welcomed the report and the amendment and asked if an additional wording of ‘and to identify any additional resources needed’ could be included.


        Councillor Evans stated that she was happy to include the additional wording to her amendment.


        Councillor Yates stated that he supported the change and stated that the intention had been to ensure long-term substantive change and to embed good practice in going forward with projects.


        The Chair noted that additional wording had been added to the amendment and sought the committee’s agreement to accepting the revised wording. Having received the committee’s agreement, he then put the revised amendment to the vote which was carried.


        The Chair then put the amended recommendation to the vote which was carried.


        RESOLVED: That the Community Wealth Building Group and the Asset Management Board present a progress report to the March meeting of the Policy & Resources Committee, to outline how funds are being be spent to advance Community Wealth Building and explore implementation of the findings where appropriate using the funds, previously allocated.




        Amendments to the Scheme of Officer Delegations - October 2021


        The Chief Executive introduced the report which detailed the proposed merger of two directorates to form the Governance, People & Resources Directorate and changes to officer delegations. He stated that it was intended to streamline arrangements and to provide greater accountability but also to recognise the pressures that officers had been under.


        The Committee welcomed the report and noted the benefits that would be derived from the creation of the new directorate. The committee also noted that the improved structure would provide long-term stability that the organisation required. The proposed move for the Bereavement Service to ASC&H was welcomed and it was hoped that the various appointments could be confirmed as soon as possible.


        The Chair noted the comments and put the recommendations to the vote which were agreed.




             That the proposed merger of the F&R and SG&L Directorates under one Executive Director (Executive Director for Governance, People and Resources) and the consultation being undertaken, which finished on 15 October 2021 be noted;


             That the changes to the scheme of delegations to Officers as set out in paragraphs 3.15 and in Appendix 1 to the report be agreed;


             That that the changes referred to under (2) above come into effect from 3rd December 2021; and


             That that the outcome of the further consultation referred to at paragraph 3.12 will be reported to a future committee be noted.




        Review of the Council's Constitution


j.                The Executive Lead Officer for Strategy, Governance & Law introduced the report which outlined the recommendations of the Constitution Working Group for changes to the Council’s Constitution. He drew the Committee’s attention to various changes that were being put forward and thanked the Working Group for their work. He also drew the Committee’s attention to an error in the report and the need for the reference at 36.39 to refer to the Executive Director for Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities rather than the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture.


k.               Councillor Evans moved an amendment on behalf of the Labour Group which was formally seconded by Councillor Allcock. She welcomed the report and thanked the Working Group and the officers for their work and noted that the amendment was being bought to maintain the essential part of the democratic process of full Council but also noted the aim for the number of written questions to be kept at a reasonable level.


l.                Councillor Clare thanked her colleagues for their work on the Working Group and noted that the aim had been for any proposed changes to be raised with the respected Groups prior to each meeting of the Working Group, in order to enable an informed debate at the Working Group. She was therefore disappointed to see the amendment and hoped that in the future there would be a greater clarity of views brought to the Working Group. She also suggested that rather than one written question per Member the proposal could be changed to two written questions per Member.


m.             Councillor Appich noted the comments and stated that the Labour Group had been unable to consider the proposals ahead of the Working Group and whilst the intention to reduce the number of written questions at full Council was supported, it was felt that there was a need to wait until the Member casework system was rolled out and became an effective resource for councillors.


n.               Councillor Allcock stated that there was a need for Members to be able to represent the concerns of residents at full Council and therefore until other avenues for raising matters improved, it was important to retain the ability to submit questions to the Council.


o.               The Chair noted the comments and put the Labour amendment to the vote, which was carried by 4 votes to 0, with 5 abstentions.


p.               The Chair then put the recommendations as amended to the vote which were carried by 8 votes to 0, with 1 abstention.


q.               RESOLVED:


     That the resources described at paras 4.6 & 4.7 and attached at Appendices 2 & 3 be approved and thar the Monitoring Officer be given delegated authority to review and update those as necessary in future;


     That the proposals to make changes to the Council’s Member Working Groups and Advisory Bodies in Part 4 of the Council’s Constitution as set out in paragraph 4.9, with the following underlined changes made to clause (ii) to bring it in line with clause (iii) be agreed:

That approval is given in principle to changing the Terms of Reference of the Stanmer Park Working Group to remove the requirement that its members be appointed from its parent Committee: a provision which is not included in the Terms of Reference of such other Groups as the Strategic Delivery Board and the Housing Supply Board. It is proposed that instead express provision be made to allow this aspect of the Terms of Reference to be for the parent Committee to decide.


     That the proposals to make changes to the Council’s Member Working Groups and Advisory Bodies in Part 4 of the Council’s Constitution as set out in paragraphs 4.9 (as amended in (2) above) to 4.14 inclusive and Appendix 4, including (but not only) by disbanding the Orbis Joint Committee and substituting a new Orbis Partnership Oversight Board be agreed;


     That it be agreed to delegate to the Chief Executive the power to appoint an individual as disability representative in accordance with recommendation 3 to council below (and any other appointment of individuals as co-optees or standing invitees where the principle of the appointment has been agreed by the relevant committee or Council) following consultation with Group spokespersons for the relevant committee;


     That the re-appointment for a period of 12 months of the Council’s two Black and Minority Ethnic standing invitees (to Policy & Resources Committee and Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committees respectively) as specified in paragraph 4.15 of the report be agreed;


     That the proposals to make the changes to the Scheme of Delegations to Officers in Part 6 of the Council’s Constitution (paragraphs 4.17 to 4.20 inclusive and 4.23 and Appendices 5 and 6) be agreed;


     That the Parents and Carers Leave Policy for Members (as outlined in para 4.22 and Appendix 7) of the report and the revised Indemnity for Members (para 4.24 and Appendix 8) of the report be agreed;


r.                RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND:


     That the proposal to make changes to the Council’s Procedure Rules in Part 3.2 of the Council’s Constitution indicated in paragraphs 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5 and Appendix 1 to the report, but not the changes indicated in paragraph 4.3 which Policy & Resources Committee recommends are not adopted be approved;


     That the proposal outlined in para 4.8 to transfer responsibility to manage authorised and unauthorised encampments (including all activities incidental to the Council’s functions of Gypsies, Roma and Travellers and Van dwellers) to the Housing Committee from the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee be agreed;


     That it be noted that the disability representative agreed by the Policy & Resources Committee at its meeting on 2 May 2021, would attend Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee and has the status of a standing invitee, the appointment of which is a matter for Policy & Resources Committee;


     That both the proposal to make changes to Part 8.5 and the amendments to the rules on future changes to that Part outlined in para 4.21 of the report be approved;


     That the proposed changes referred to in paras 2.1 (Appendix 1) of the report be approved;


     That the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer be authorised to take all steps necessary or incidental for the implementation of the changes agreed by the Policy & Resources Committee and by Full Council and authorises the Monitoring Officer to amend and re-publish the Council’s constitutional documents to incorporate the changes.


     That the proposed changes come into force immediately following their approval by Policy & Resources Committee or adoption by Full Council, as appropriate.




        Timetable of Meetings for 2022/23


        RESOLVED: That the proposed timetable of meetings for the 2022/2023 municipal year be agreed; subject to any necessary amendments following changes to the Constitution and/or committees’ requirements.




        Review of Market Supplement to be paid to Social Workers and Practice Managers in Children’s Services


        RESOLVED: That a new market supplement regime for social workers in children’s services, as summarised below and set out in the report at paragraphs 3.1 to 3.22, to be implemented and backdated to 1 November 2021 be approved.


          A market supplement of 12.5% on basic salary for all newly qualified (SO1/2) and main grade (M11) Social Workers and all Senior Social Workers (M10) within the eligibility scope defined below;

          The definition for eligibility for the social worker market supplement will be all the above posts in children’s social work services that are involved in social work with families;

          The market supplement for Practice Managers in the Front Door for Families is replaced with a new market supplement of 6.25% of basic salaries and this is also extended to other M9 posts in children’s social work services that are social work posts involved in social work with families;

          These figures are percentages of basic salary and so will be pro rata for part-time staff.




        Brighton Marina to River Adur Coastal Management Scheme – Project Update




             That the procurement of a new construction contract for the accelerated construction elements of the FCERM Scheme using the EA’s CDF be approved; and


             That the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture be granted delegated authority to take all steps necessary to procure and award the construction contract referred to in (1) above.




        Moulsecoomb Neighbourhood Hub & Housing Schemes: Update Report


        The Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture introduced the report, which provided an update on the Moulsecoomb Neighbourhood Hub and Housing Schemes. It was intended to provide 211 new homes and community facilities and a full planning application was expected to be submitted in the new year.


        The Committee welcomed the report and thanked officers for their work to date and hoped that it would come to fruition.


        The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote which were agreed.




             That officers be authorised to progress the submission of a planning application for the Moulsecoomb Hub and Housing development.


             That it be agreed that the anticipated budget for this stage of £2.1m to be funded by HRA Borrowing and included as part of the 2021/22 HRA Capital Programme.




        Patcham Place Lodge


        The Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture introduced the report, which sought approval for the disposal of a detached residential property.


        Councillor Yates moved an amendment on behalf of the Labour Group which was formally seconded by Councillor Evans. He stated that the intention was to seek to achieve the best value for the asset and hoped that the amendment could be supported.


        Councillor Druitt stated that he was happy to accept the amendment and noted that the disposal of the property was the appropriate course of action in this instance.


        The Chair noted that the Labour amendment had been accepted and put it to the vote which was carried. He then put the recommendation as amended to the vote which were agreed.


        RESOLVED: That the disposal of this property on the open market for the best consideration reasonably obtainable be agreed, and that delegated powers be given to the Executive Director of Economy, Environment & Culture, Assistant Director Property & Design and Head of Legal Services to approve terms and take any necessary steps to facilitate this recommendation.




        Items Referred For Council


        The Chair asked if the Committee wished to refer any items to the next full Council meeting for information.


        Councillor Yates requested that Item 64, Progress Update Against Corporate Key Performance Indicators Q2 2021/22 be referred to the full Council.


        RESOLVED: That Item 64 be referred to the full Council for information.




        Moulsecoomb Neighbourhood Hub & Housing Schemes: Update Report - Exempt Category 3


        RESOLVED: That the information contained in the appendix be noted.




        Patcham Place Lodge - Exempt Category 3


        RESOLVED: That the recommendations contained in the report be agreed.




        Part Two Minutes - Exempt Categories 3, 4 & 5


        RESOLVED: That the minutes of the special meeting held on the 13th October 2021 be approved.




        Part Two Proceedings


        RESOLVED: That the items and decisions thereon contained in part two of the agenda remain exempt from disclosure to the press and public.





The meeting concluded at 8.46pm




Signed                                                                           Chair




            Dated this                                                     day of